Depression & Depression Cure
Understanding depression and finding depression cure
Does it hold you back from things you enjoy?
Depression is a serious medical condition that can keep you feeling sad, helpless, and uninterested in your favorite activities. It can make you feel like you have to constantly wind yourself up just to get through the day. With all the responsibilities in your busy life, it can makes everything seem overwhelming.

Depression does have a cure. It can be treated. There are many options for depression treatment . These usually include Therapy for depression and medications commonly know as Antidepressants. Make an appointment to discuss options that may work for you.
The PHQ-2, comprising the first 2 items of the PHQ-9, inquires about the degree to which an individual has experienced depressed mood and anhedonia over the past two weeks. Its purpose is not to establish final diagnosis or to monitor depression severity, but rather to screen for depression.
Patients who screen positive should be further evaluated with the PHQ-9 to determine whether they meet criteria for a depressive disorder. The PHQ-2 has been validated in 3 studies in which it showed wide variability in sensitivity (Gilbody, Richards, Brealey, and Hweitt, 2007).
Solutions for Mindfulness has opened new offices in Columbia Maryland providing psychiatric services for adults including evaluation, diagnosis, medication management and therapy services.
Solutions for Mindfulness remains committed to providing the latest treatment options and world class psychiatric services to Maryland residents.